


德国 Mahlkonig EK43s磨豆机 2018WBC世界赛指定 全颗粒研磨 现
新款 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品/意式定量咖啡磨豆机
新款德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43磨王磨豆机电动家商用意式手冲研磨
德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43s单品浓缩土耳其咖啡研磨电动磨豆机

E65S GBW ESPRESSO GRINDER Grind-by-Weight technology featuring weight-based dosing  Real-time weight control during the grinding process  Proven premium grinding profile for a great taste experience  Active temperature management maintaining low aroma-saving grinding temperatures  Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enabling accurate settings of the degree of fineness (patent pending)  Adjustable illuminated spout providing a centered coffee outlet EXCLUSIVEFOR OUR DEALERS Login to our dealer portal to get access to further technical information.
德国 迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43咖啡电动磨豆机 研磨机 商用磨豆机
原装Mahlkonig迈赫迪K30 ES VARIO咖啡磨豆机定量电动商用研磨机
新到货 包邮德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43咖啡电动磨豆机研磨机黑/白
Mini Vol豆仓磨豆机 适用于迈赫迪 Mahlkonig EK43系列 EKK43 K30
现货迈赫迪Mahlkonig EK43 EK43S EKK43 K30 咖啡磨豆机改装豆仓

Serving the guest a great taste experience with every single cup is what driving a coffee shop is all about. The E65S GbW makes it possible by providing the most accurate and consistent doses, ever. Let’s grind by weight – because every gram matters.

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